cc: Life Science
Life Science Marketing Radio
Getting the Most Out of In-Person Events

Getting the Most Out of In-Person Events

I am hopeful that we will be getting back to normal soon. That means more in-person events. Bonni Scepkowski, Founder at Stellar Meetings and Events, has some thoughts about how to make the most of your time together whether with your team or your customers.

Why have a meeting at all? The most essential reason is to build relationships. We know now that a lot can be done online. But there is magic in getting folks together and getting to know each other, sharing stories and hanging out after a session. How do we ensure that happens?

Put some thought into the agenda. If information can be distributed in advance, do it. No spreadsheets on a screen. This is the time to have a conversation about what is on the spreadsheet, not to discover what’s on it.

Whenever possible, get outside for breakouts because everyone is already looking out there, not at your spreadsheet on the screen (see above). Fresh air is nice and a little less formality probably encourages interaction. For small groups, try a Steve Jobs style walk and talk. Record it with a phone. (They’re surprisingly good!)

Finally, Bonni is a big fan of getting all your customers together to learn from each other and share best practices. While you are learning about their needs, they are making connections and getting better at what they do. You’ve essentially created a Mastermind group.

I hope I get to see at least some of you somewhere in 2022. If you get to the Bay Area, let me know. I’m happy to meet you somewhere.

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Stellar Meetings and Events

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cc: Life Science
Life Science Marketing Radio
I interview marketing leaders inside and outside the life sciences (and an occasional scientist) to share the best ideas for making your marketing more effective.