Howdy Folks,
I’m pretty excited to be here on Substack. I hope you like it too. But I screwed up.
When I moved my email subscribers over from LSMR, they were attached to my cc: Life Science list.
So you missed my latest post on Customer Obsession from LSMR. (It’s really good!)
You can decide whether you want an email when I post a podcast or newsletter to either publication or both (LSMR and cc: Life Science).
Log into your Substack account.
If you have more than one subscription, select cc: Life Science (you’re probably already there if you are reading this).
Go to Account Settings, under the icon in the upper right of the page, and select Manage Subscriptions (red arrow)
Choose which newsletters you want to receive email notifications for.
Sorry for any confusion. Let me know if you need some help. I’m grateful for all the support and encouragement over the last 9 years.
I’m also happy that so many of you seemed to like cc: Life Science when you got that email for the first time. As always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated.